I've been having fun experimenting with apples this fall. I've tried two new kinds, York and Wine Sap that were both tart and crunchy and terrific in a pie or sauteed with butter, cinnamon & brown sugar. I made two pies. I've fried them to go on top of french toast. I've eaten them whole and in slices with peanut butter. I've enjoyed cider cold, hot & spiced, and with vodka.
I should probably just eat them whole and raw to avoid the obvious results of too much sugar, but I've decided to go with Greeny's theory of hibernation weight for the winter. I won't be putting on a swimsuit for a while. I've been cold. I should keep these apple pie pounds.
Anyway, most of my serving ideas are tried & true. Calling my recipes "experiments" is a bit of a stretch. I was wondering if any of you have any novel apple ideas to share. Do any of you have a recipe that doesn't use cinnamon?
Big Changes
8 years ago
I make a lot of apple sauce and I have been known to use cardamom, which is lovely, apple butter as well but thats cinnamon again. Fried apples are a favorite with a big sunday breakfast.
I still haven't had a chance to even look for apple cider to mix more of my Apple Smashed. I'm almost prepared to end my imbibing career, however. Talk about cutting some calories!
apple crisp: top a pan of sliced apples with butter, flour and brown sugar cut together, dots of butter and a smidge of water. um, I guess you should reverse that order, water, then butter dots, then topping. bake @350 for 30 mins.
My new favorite apple is Nitney, sweet and very crunchy, other favorites are staymen and green golden delicious (if they are yellow, they are too soft).
My favorite tea has cinnamon & cardamom. I read the label and it also has ginger and black pepper. Maybe I'll try that combo of spices. I'll have to go buy some cardamom.
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