If you are still a Rush Limbaugh fan, you are reading the wrong blog! What a dick.
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Big Changes
8 years ago
What does CG stand for? Originally it was Construction Girl based on my fun job experience as a technical writer for a general contractor and the work I was able to do on the job sites. But now it could be a host of other things: for my new career as a yoga teacher it could be Chataranga Goals, or maybe Cosmic Gypsy, or Curious Girl, Candid Gossip, Creative Guide, Comical Goober, Cheshire Goddess, Corona Guzzler, Certain Grabber...
Tell us how you really feel about Rush. (wink)
I'll let you read my blog even is you like him Tracy, but my eyes are rolling.
I don't like or dislike him. I have never even listened to him. My point was that you made it very clear how you feel about him.... which is fine. I just got a chuckle in that you didn't mince any words on the subject of Rush.
Unfortunately, I have a family of Rushies(did I just admit that?) but I find him disgusting to say the very least.
My clan and others who listen to him spew hateful stuff believe he is just telling it like it is while the rest of his non-followers find him abhorrent.
I've always thought people who are so outspoken, loud and venomous are not trustworthy people.
I don't listen to him. But his latest rudeness made the Washington Post today. You'd think after his own personal problems that he'd be more willing to be less judgemental.
Tracy, I apologize for having assumed you might like the guy. I know you are no sheep. Sometimes "dick" is the only word that fits, ya know?
Welcome Michelle!
And don't worry Greeny. All our families have flaws;-)
CG! You're back! - on crack too;-) I guess you're making up for lost time.
I understand that point. Perhaps one politician won't make the difference in saving Michael J. Any new treatments are probably too late for him. But I do believe that stem cell research is important. I want to be sure we don't elect people who would ban it.
I also think it is wrong of us to not want to see the handicapped people in our society. We want to pretend that we aren't mortal, that we would never "flop around" like Michael, but it could happen to you. It could happen to your kid. If it does, I hope that the scientist who can find the cure hasn't been blocked from conducting her research because of policitians kowtowing to the relgious right.
My daughter has a disease. If stem cell research could find a cure, I want to be sure we don't ban it. It takes making us uncomfortable looking at our failed bodies to encourage people to protect this research.
So is it Michael's politics that are offensive, or his physical ailment? And how is his use of emotion any different than a politician using fear of terrorism to disuade voters?
- Thanks for disagreeing so bluntly. It makes for engaging conversation.
Limbaugh a dick?!?! You were too kind to him CG. I could have come up with several terms more suiting for that SOB.
Stem cell research is extremely important. It is something that we need to get into. I agree 110% with you!
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