I have a shopping tip for anyone considering the purchase of an unabridged dictionary: make that purchase on the last stop of the shopping trip. Carrying around all the words in the English language is no small task. It doesn’t actually have all the words. It doesn’t have blog, It didn’t have an entry for the Queen Mother of cuss words which surprised me, but it did have several entries and conjugations for shit – not that I needed help with that definition. It did confirm that shat really is the past tense. It does seem to have everything else I can think of to look up. Let me know if you have any word challenges for it.
I have wanted an unabridged dictionary for a long time. I like that it has historical meanings of words. It will be great for Scrabble challenges and pressing flowers. Maybe I am revealing my weirdness here, but I just think it is cool. I like to learn new words. It will surely help with thinking of different CG’s – like maybe Chronically Garrulous.
I have narrowed my franchise investigations to three different companies. I have a pile of reading and a schedule of phone calls to make. I have such mixed feelings about taking this on. I’m not committed to anything yet, but may choose to do so soon. I’m going to have to take some of this reading material with me to the beach this weekend. Not really the beach reading I had in mind, but intriguing just the same.
I will be taking my laptop with me, but don’t know if I’ll be able to blog or not. It is bike week in Myrtle Beach, so I’m sure I’ll find some interesting sights to blog about. Surely I’ll find a little internet cafĂ© somewhere.
So let me know if you have any word challenges for my new dictionary. I’ll look it up absolutely free!
Big Changes
8 years ago
1 comment:
In my other life, we would take the dictionary down and just thumb thru it skimming the pages until something caught our eye and perhaps there would be some discussion on what we would run across. A nice rainy day activity and always something useful learned. See, your not the only one...
C G, I am amazed at your franchise adventure and hope we can live vicariously thru you. I just wonder how long it would me take to sift thru all that info and then to decide...
Peggy, what a perfect opportunity you took full advantage of with your jab to the ex. Im jealous..
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