Wednesday, May 10, 2006

(I am continuing to have trouble posting on blogger. I may switch to a different blog host. If that works, I’ll try to post where to find the new home for CG. This continuing thorn is a pain in the butt! Thanks to Brooke, Anne, & Joe for doing their best to help me. Blogger itself offers no tech support to clarify the problem.)

My eye has become quite colorful, although this violet eye is nothing like Elizabeth Taylor's. It still provides a constant ache. I awoke with a headache that is oddly one-sided. I don’t know if it classifies as a true shiner because it doesn’t encircle my whole eye. But my left eye has a bruise the color of a grape juice stain in the corner by my nose. A paler bruise is edging out from there. It may be a few days before it shifts to green.

It has been interesting to watch people’s reactions. Close friends don’t mind just asking what happened. But acquaintances and strangers are more cautious. I can tell when they’ve noticed, but don’t want to ask. The story could be too personal. So I’m not sure if I want to offer the tale or let them assume I was in a fight or an accident. If I’m going to keep seeing them, I will tell them once I can see that they’ve noticed. But the strangers seem to softened a bit when they see it, like they pity me for whatever reason caused the bruise. I should just say, “They say housework never killed anyone, but it came pretty close with me.”

You want to know what’s ironic? About a month ago I spent $100 on a tube of the new great cosmetic cream that is supposed to reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes. God seems to keep finding ways of keeping me humble.


AM Kingsfield said...

Hey Cable Guy,
We're all waiting for the rest of the story. I love it so far.

AM Kingsfield said...

I am definitely going to lay that story on the next person who asks me what happened to my eye.
What fantastic story telling!
I'm honored.

Mom said...

I'm sure my little girl would never be in a biker bar.