Thursday, August 03, 2006

I have been on a quest since July 15th when I read Greeny’s blog entry entitled “I’m a Blueberry Martini.”

I thought she had posted a recipe that sounded unique and I was eager to read on. Instead it was the results of a silly, but fun, personality quiz that compares you to a drink. Greeny came up as a Blueberry Martini. I took the quiz and came up the same. So I began to look for some ingredients.

Guess what? They make blueberry Schnapps! Today I made an excellent blueberry martini that will be my Summer of ‘06 Beach Drink.
I’ve never been one to measure, so for a large single martini,
Pour over ice in a shaker:
A couple of gurgles of blueberry Schnapps
A couple gurgles more than that of plain vodka

Let chill and strain into a martini glass.

Now I tried that and it was very refreshing, and very strong. Since I knew I had more responsibilities this evening, I ended up putting it back on the rocks with an equal amount of club soda. It was a delightful summer cooler.

If you try it, let me know how you like it.
What drink are you enjoying lately?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Wow! Thanks for the link! I love the recipe, it sounds scrumptious. And I plan to try that as soon as possible. Glad you got to thinking, CG.
By the way, just today, Wildman and I picked his blackberries and I squished them with sugar, poured a jigger of icy vodka over ice in the shaker and added a bunch(maybe 1/4 cup) of the berries to the shaker and strained it into a glass. I then added a splash of Sprite. I had it for brunch. Just think of all those antioxidants. YUM.