Do you think about events in your day now according to their blogability? (or would that be bloggability?)
I was considering a back-up blog or discussion topic for today’s post until I rammed my foot in my mouth at least up to my knee. I thought, well, at least I have a blog topic for today. I guess there is a silver lining on every cloud.
I totally embarrassed myself in one keystroke. Do you know which key? The devastating “Reply to All.”
I feigned enthusiasm when I volunteered to sleepover on a Brownie campout this Saturday night. I’m sure you could tick off a dozen things you would enjoy more than this activity – especially if you knew the Brownie leader who, mercifully, doesn’t know about this blog.
My dear friend, Peggy, teased me about volunteering. I was hoping the trip would get cancelled because of lack of attendance. I was right! The leader e-mailed a “Sorry, but we have to cancel” note to me. I forwarded it to Peggy, whose daughter is in the same troop, with a personal message attached.
I said,
“Yippee! Now I get credit for volunteering without having to go. When it’s rescheduled, I’ll be busy and you’ll have to go.”
Then I said some other personal stuff which I hope she didn’t make any sense to her.
The leader responded a couple minutes before Peggy who followed with “I didn’t realize you sent that to both of us!” I saw Peggy’s first e-mail and my heart sank.
Do you know that feeling?
I immediately e-mailed a crow-eating apology and she was very gracious. Of course, tonight was the first meeting, so I had to apologize in person again. I felt like a scolded child and I swear I could hear my mother’s voice pointing out the obvious lesson. I know it could have been worse. At least I didn’t call the leader any derogatory names. Still, it sucks to be caught being bitchy. On the upside, now she knows I am not really excited about volunteering for the overnights.
Can you tell a story on yourself that will make me feel better?
Big Changes
8 years ago
Oh, heck YEAH!
I once wrote a very pornographic story in honor of a guy's birthday I had been talking to for many months online and on the phone. This was a few years back. I sent it to him via email but I had also accidentally added the email address right above his on my list of contacts when I selected his. It went to another IM contact, a man, that I wasn't interested in that way. Needless to say, I had a lot of interest from the "extra" recipient. Although, it didn't prove to be a long-term problem as your perhaps could.
Guess that wan't as much help as I thought it would be....
Ok, let me be honest. I am forever sticking my foot in my mouth. Just the other day i met with Wildman at work. We walked over to visit with a fellow co-worker of his that I hadn't seen in a while. He has very nice thick white gray hair and we shook hands and greeted one another. I said he was looking a lot like Samuel Clemmens with his new look. I was not being mean, it just came out before I could stop it! It's better than Colonel Sanders, right?!
Seems I'm not the only one with toe jam in my teeth.
Thanks you guys!
Mine are just too numerous to tell on your blog.
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