Do you play word games in the car with your kids or friends to pass the time on a long drive or waiting in an airport? When my kids were younger, we would play an ABC game. The first player got “A” and had to select a name, name of spouse, product you sell, and place you’d live. Maybe this is one of the early forms of the “you-have-to-get-married” indoctrination. Anyway, you’d say something like this:
“A my name is Abigail.
My husband’s name is Andre.
We come from Argentina.
And we sell Apples.”
We’d say it with the initial sound bolded like that. Then the next player would have “B” and so on.
As my kids have gotten older, I have attempted to jazz up our waiting game by requesting other information in alphabetical order. Once in a restaurant with only my son and his buddy, waiting for the dinner order was getting to be a stretch. So we played most of the Alphabet Game like this:
“A my superhero name is Amazonia,
My super power is Apparation
My arch enemy is Average Man”
Of course that was my first example. My son’s and his buddy’s turns sounded a little different:
“B my superhero name is Ballistic Bounce Boy
My super power is Bionic Bending
My arch Enemy is Big Butthead.”
Tonight we tried it this way and got some pretty good laughs. I love laughing with my kids. We can get pretty silly.
“C I would never want my name to be Cruella.
I would never put a Chipmunk in my mouth.
And I would never want to live in a Cardboard box.”
I know several of you have waiting games you play with your kids. We have some time in the car coming up. It would be fun to have a bigger repertoire of games. Can you share your waiting game?
Big Changes
8 years ago
We learned this from a "Steak -n- Shake" placemat on a road trip: Person #1: You look hungry.
Person #2: Hungry for what?
Person #1 Hungry for Bananas. Person #2 now says to person #3: You look hungry, etc and thinks of another B noun you could be hungry for. You continue to play until no one can think of another B word to eat and then you change letters. Any noun will do, baseballs, bugs, Bulgaria... The person who starts the game obviously gets to pick the letter.
My daughter came up the a variation. "I want to go shopping."
"Shopping for what?"
"Shopping for blank."
Our games usually develop over dinner so its not a waiting game, just unusual silliness. Once I used the phrase "all hat, no cattle" so we spent the next 15 minutes coming up with phrases like "all peel, no banana" (my son's) and some other less innocent ones while we were laughing and spewing milk and wine out of our noses. It's the best when we play that kind of stuff.
But I like the ideas I have seen here.
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