I was reading "Traveling Mercies" by Anne Lamott while waiting for my maintenance check-up on my Prius in a waiting room of all women. It occurs to me that auto mechanics would have an easy time meeting women.
Anyway, three of the waiting women were deep in an animated conversation about Christmas shopping and the pathetic stories on some scandal courtroom show playing for our unnecessary entertainment. I had planned ahead and was looking forward to 45 minutes of reading time, although the cheerful women and sorry stories unraveling on the little television were quite distracting.
I am reading a book I selected from my shelf full of books loaned and passed to me by friends who thought I would like this one. It's a shelf teeming with "ought-to-reads." This particular book first belonged to my friend Julie, who wrote in the margins and highlighted several passages. It is like the old days of book club, "hearing" her comments and reactions.
I am loving this book. In fact I snort-laughed at one point in the waiting room, causing a flicker in the room's conversation. I can't quote a short passage because you wouldn't have the momentum that builds to a snort.
I love snort-laughter. When was the last time you laughed that well?
Big Changes
8 years ago
I think the last time I laughed that hard was a text messaging incident with someone's mom, but that was more of a belly laugh, not a snort-laugh. Where does that fit in on the Chortle - Guffaw scale?
There you again - laughing at my technologically challenged abilities. I was thinking of the same moment.
Annie Lamott! I sooo love her. When I was in Oregon I was reading that book and Lori's Dad thought I was a fool due to my hysterical belly laughing in his back yard. Alone. With the book. Thanks for reminding me.
Funny you should ask about laughter, I had laugh till you cried moment on Tuesday. Just posted about it, so I won't tell you here.
October 11, 1998. 11:23pm. It involved a flyswatter, a superman cape and six pounds of pecan hulls.
Snort laughed just now when I read John's comment!
I can't really snort laugh, though. And not usually reading a book.
Maybe when I'm in the Hallmark store looking for cards for my family. People move away from me slowly with a worried look on their faces.
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