My youngest has decided to try making her own spring scented perfume: azlea and lilac. The scent was very organic, although I detected no scent of blossoms.

This mouthful of orthodontia is my drama queen who apparently didn't realize that "break a leg" was hyperbole. We had her ankle x-rayed today and see the orthopedist tomorrow. She will likely have to give up her star dancing role. Which is worse to break: a bone or a heart?

And this great defense is my recently 12 year old son just minutes before he got the wind knocked out of him. Even though he didn't finish the game, he was proud to hear the coach say he had the check of the day. He wears his lacrosse bruises like badges of honor.
I am so sorry about the break...so hard when you have worked so hard for something. Tell her I love her.
My J and your youngest would get along famously. Remember the vase of yard pickings you had some time back? It had wild onions from your yard among other things. Just like J. There is always something in the freezer or shredded on the counter or mixed in water in a container for me to ask about.
Bones heal where hearts have scars that linger. Besides, everyone can use the attention a pair of crutches can deliver.
Bravo for the hardy lacrosse player! He sounds good and tough.
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