Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Tonight in Girls Scouts Lexie ate some King Cake, a Mardi Gras tradition that I just learned about this year. Apparently a tiny baby Jesus is cooked into the bread. Lexie was the lucky ingester of Our Baby Lord.
Is that transubstantiation?
Does it even count as communion if the bread is sprinkled with purple sugar and wearing Mardi Gras beads?
I think yes. I think she is redeemed of shattering Jesus last Christmas. We had a replacement Jesus made out of Model Magic that looked a little like Mr. Bill for a while.


just me said...

Heathen though I am, even I knew about King Cake - I guess from time spent in France some years ago. I didn't know you ATE the baby; in my limited experience it's a plastic doll baked into the cake that you save for good luck.

Either way King Cake is a yummy treat. Do you give up sweets for Lent? (Or is that a Catholic thing? See, I AM a heathen.)

Anne said...

I thought if you got the baby Jesus in your piece of cake, you had to bake the cake next year, your reward.

JM, didn't know Jewish==heathen?

just me said...

To some people, it's the same :) that's why they're always trying to convert us -

Others feel sorry for us because we haven't "seen the light."

Unknown said...

Must be a heathen thing- I knew to.

MMmmm, King cake.

One day I will be in New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Ya'll wanna come?

AM Kingsfield said...

My daughter did say that she had to bring the cake next year. And no, you're not supposed to actually swallow Jesus. Just a taste!

Let's all go to N'awlin's together. I've always wanted to go.

I love heathens of all religions.

Linda said...

Rhia's comment to your post:

"Jealous! I've always wanted to eat the baby jesus!!!"

John said...

I guess I need more culture.