So I ended up getting two kittens "for my daughter" for a Christmas present. On the way to pick up our kitten from the litter, I announced, "Don't even think of getting two kittens!" But, when I saw we'd be leaving one little girl all by herself, I couldn't leave her behind. It seems so sad to separate them all. I know. I'm a sucker. I'm also bordering on Crazy Cat Lady now with three cats.
(Some of the laughter I'm hearing is from those of you who remember that moment of weakness when you are cleaning up the mess your pet made, or writing that check to the vet.)
The gray is Bindi, a girl with a tan dot on her forehead. The pale orange is her brother named Mittens. He has a lot to say and meows a lot. Mittens also likes to be held and the center of attention, wants to see what's on tables and counters. His favorite perch is my shoulder so he has a better view of the house. I'll be walking around, straightening up the house with a purring kitten on my shoulder like a defective pirate.
The integration with the Mike, our five year old cat, has been interesting. I think he's afraid of these little invaders, not realizing he's five times their size. He has not taken a swat at them, but just growls and, very slowly, creeps away.
These are doing pretty good with the litter training compared with our other failed feline experiences. I figure the carpet was already ruined. I may as well do it now. How often in your life can you give kittens to your daughter? Besides, we are so isolated from nature in our plastic house that it is nice to have affection for an animal.
Who am I trying to convince here?
I've always been a sucker for a kitten/cat, less now than earlier in my life, however.
And cats are much better to live with inside than a dog, in my opinion.(Boy, is that gonna bring a hailstorm of replies from dog lovers!)
And before I go, I'll share the word authorization I had to give- wagdonia- I kid you not.
The problem with animals is that, unlike children, they never really grow up. And I don't need another being to take care of. Even though the pets are "for the kids," you know it's Mom who ends up with all the work.
The kittens are beautiful!! I am a sucker for my children wanting animals as well....which is why I now have a kitten and a puppy in a house that I declared "pet free" when the last lizard passed on. What was I thinking?!?!
cat gamble?
your tags humor me.
Never pictured you as the cat lady. I'll add that to the list.
I'm so glad you got them both! Everyone needs someone they can chase around the burrow and snuggle in with at night. My humans are ok, but they can't run fast or do three 180s in one flying leap. I wish I could play with your beautiful kitties.
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