It's Earth Day. Do you know what your carbon footprint is? Mine is shamefully huge. We would need 6.5 Earths if everyone lived like I do. I see I need to try harder.
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It is also the PA Primary. I am reminded of the succinct campaign speech in the classic movie Napoleon Dynamite:
"If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true."
Isn't this what Barak, Hillary, & John really mean to say?
Big Changes
8 years ago
We would need 4.7 earths to accommodate our lifestyle.
Maybe I'll vole for Napoleon Dynamite. I like his platform.
Sue,'s not Napoleon was for Pedro.
Even with your hybrid car? My number must be really huge, even though I take Metro to work.
I actually did a little better than I thought - 5.94. Perhaps it's because I do ride metro; I'm not exactly a model green consumer!
I managed 5.84 earths. More than one earth is bad, I take it?
My daughter just told me last week she wants to help ne clean out the garage and set up a recycling area so we can do our part. Sounds like a good idea.
I am very very very sick of Hillary and Barack and yes, John. I don't want any of then im the White House. Once again I will try to pick the lesser of two evils. Don't ask me which one because they aren't done proving which one's which.
I'll vote for whoever gives me one of those cool keychain fob thingies. ;-)
Have to work on that gray water recycling.. humm.. maybe not yet.
I've got like infinity of those.
I'm 4.69 Earths, which kind of shocks me. All that outdoor clothes drying!
And I'm voting for Pedro.
I think it has a lot to do with the size of our houses, I got a 6.5, too, and I have those water saver shower heads.
It would take me 2 hours to get to work via metro/bus compared with 30 mins in a car. sorry, i'm keeping the car keys.
I left my carbon footprint on the carpet and my wife made me clean it up. You know how hard it is to get carbon out of shag?
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