Parent Tips for Prince George's County Write-a-Book Program
Begin nagging early.
Don't forget to nag.
Always keep large pieces of heavy cardboard on hand.
Buy extra contact paper so you don't have to go out late at night on the second try.
Pour yourself a drink, especially if you begin the binding process after 9pm the eve of the due date.
If you poured a glass of red wine, don't set it down anywhere near the book binding area.
Be sure the table you cleared to work on is free of spaghetti sauce & Parmesan cheese.
Remember that you will savor these parenting moments one day.
Big Changes
8 years ago
You forgot the last item:
Just do it yourself!
This also applies to science fair projects.
I find this to be much less painful than science fair.
I always buy contact paper in bulk when it's on sale.... so several years' worth of books have the same design :) I was checking my holiday giftwrap stash the other day and found a full roll of contact paper. Yay!
Remember that you will savor these parenting moments one day.
Or in a few years you will look back in wonder at how your sweet innocent loving child didn't wind up dead over all the forgotten till the last possible second school projects they remembered to tell you about as they were going to bed the night before the project was due;
Or, you will wonder how you ever escaped their teenage years without having a heart attack or aneurysm,
And Or, you'll just smile and nod one day when they are bald headed from pulling their hair out over stuff their children are doing to them.
Ah, the mothers curse, it works every time.
This morning while driving the author of this write a book to school she told me that this was her best book ever. Your 5th grade author told me she is very pleased with this book. She seemed to have had no problems.
I'm glad that it is now your turn to help with homework.
i would like to know this story... we still have all our write-a-books i think. the most infamous one is mine from kindergarten, although i'm having trouble remembering the title...
I am reading this right after being told at the dinner table that my son needs chocolate dipped pears for an assignment....tomorrow!! Wow. Glad to know that I am not the only parent who has these things happen. But, are they supposed to happen on a regular basis like this?? I'm sure I will enjoy these life parenting moments sometime.....
Is it just me or does anyone else hear a tone of sarcasm in this post?
just yesterday we got the assignment from the middle school. BUT we don't have to bind unless the book is chosen to go on to county competition. yay!
Let me in on the secret that is Write-a-book program and pass the red wine...
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