It is fundraiser season. What have you bought? Who have you supported?
I've committed to
candles for an ice skating team
assorted holiday gifts for an elementary school
gift wrap for... I don't remember who
nuts for scouts
holiday cards for CCFA
And it's only September!
Big Changes
8 years ago
You forgot the girl scout cookies.
All this school/PTA fundraising really bugs me - whatever happened to the concept of a FREE public education? Girl Scout cookies are another matter entirely :)
Discount card for the high school football team, something (not sure what) for the high school chorus.
I agree completely about the free public education. And I'm wondering why my daughter has to go to Orlando of all places to ice skate.
Discount card for football, Mums for volleyball, candles for band, flower bulbs for a special needs classroom, magazines for band...and I agree about free public education. It seems that I am a saleslady instead of a Mom for most of the school year!! And everyone I am trying to sell to is trying to sell me the same thing!
Math-A-Thon donation for math problems done- supporting St. Jude's and soon music department cookies dough and coupon booklets.
I feel the same about the money grubbing. The music department decided next year's trip for the band and choir will be to New York. I just want to scream.
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