This freelance work puts me in charge of my own schedule, which ultimately is a great thing. The problem is limiting the time that my mind in "on-duty" for work. Because I often can do personal errands during "office hours", and because so many events I am required to attend are very early or evening, I feel like I need to be "on call" from like 7am until 9pm. Those are extreme hours and not always required, but it still doesn't seem to be enough.
I have to actively focus on not worrying about an unfinished article or open ad deal. After 9pm, I just can't check my e-mail anymore. It stresses me out. Then I can't fall asleep worrying about who I need to call tomorrow. Of course, it's not just work: Girl Scouts, youth group, lacrosse, family & friends.
E-mail takes so much time to manage. I do like e-mail as a means of communication. It is less insistent than a phone call.

I have a new phone that I am still learning. When I get a call I have the options to "silence" or "ignore." Good reminders. One of my pet peeves is when someone answers only to say they can't talk and will call me back. Why not let it just go to voicemail? Isn't that its purpose?

Would this be easier to compartmentalize if I went to an office? Probably not. Everyone is stressed out. I need to go to yoga.
If you were just doing one job, then the office might be easier. But writer, photographer, interviewer, networker, presenter, accountant and way! You are doing a excellent job with your expanding career. And doing it with three kids and a house to take care of... amazing! The balance will come, but probably not during the first week of the new school year.
I'm not the type who can work well from home. Too many distractions. I think it requires much more organization to sork from home than it does to go to the office for 8 hours then come home. That being said, with email and blackberries, etc. the lines between home and work are blurring . We all get personal emails at work and make our travel reservations, etc. Conversely our bosses expect us to be in email contact even on our off time. I'm not sure its an improvement.
All you need is a maid, a secretary, a laundry lady and a limo service for your kids. I think you could manage better then.
How much do you pay? I could do everything but the secretary part. My shorthand sucks.
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