Last weekend we were lucky enough to have some old friends come see us for the weekend. Our kids enjoyed touring DC together, although it was the hottest day of the summer (until today that is.) They did a great job maintaining proper decorum in the sweltering sojourn through Arlington Cemetery. By the time we got to the WWII memorial, proper decorum had been stretched to far.

Annapolis was fun, as always. We got to watch the midshipmen practicing their sailing techniques while we rode the Harbor Queen. Of course we had to have crabs for the full Maryland experience.

Laura is an amazing mother, overcoming odds that most people simply couldn't face. You can tell by how cool her kids are.
I enjoyed meeting her.... and the conversation over margaritas. You are both great moms!
Also.. I was saving Cool Girlfriend for one of my posts. May I still use it, if I give you credit?
Uh, can we be friends?
I want to have that "Maryland" experience!
And isn't life interesting when a person takes stock in the wonderful people in her life?!
Greeny, you're welcome out our way anytime!
AM: yummy looking crabs!
Crabs!!! They sure look good. All the crab around here comes in platic bags. No fun atal
What a wonderful weekend we had!! You are a great friend, and I think the children will be giving our mutual cell phone company some very busy times now!!
I enjoyed catching up with you (in person), seeing some people I haven't seen in awhile, and meeting new people. (It was very nice to meet you Mark).
You make a very mean margarita! Yum!! I especially enjoyed our conversations. It seems as if our time went too fast.
Thank you again for a wonderful time. We had a blast!!
I love you, you are a cool girlfriend!! Your children are awesome, too!
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