So while I haven't been posting, I've had some interesting experiences.
One is that I've had the opportunity to help with the Sudanese quintuplets that are spending their first year of life in America to get good medical care outside of a warzone. You can see a picture of these adorable babies and read a bit of their story here.
I saw a call for help in my church's bulletin. I was happy to join the Church Lady Brigade from all around the area to pitch in a weekly shift to help with the care and feeding of these tiny beauties. I'm at a stage in life between babies, so this was just the fix I needed. I go once a week to help, which also includes laundry, writing thank you notes, running local errands, and eating delicious Sudanese cuisine.
One lucky day I got to help with bath time. Not only did I get to bathe one of these new little people, I got to rub jojoba oil on their dark chocolate skin, the tiniest massage I ever gave.
Their crowded little apartment is actually quite orderly and peaceful.
Big Changes
8 years ago
What a fantastic experience! Babies are just the best thing and helping in this particular way must have a positive effect on you that will last a long time.
They do look adorable. You are a blessing to them and they are blessing to you. That's one of the nice things about blessings.
That is just too cool. To be able to help out like that is such a blessing. And they certainly are cuties.
How lucky you are to be able to bless that family and help care for those precious babies. They are adorable.
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