Today I joined my daughter's 4th grade class on a field trip to Annapolis to learn some new things about my home state and to renew the sunburn on my face.
Annapolis is a beautiful old town, full of 2 & 3 hundred year old brick homes, shiny young midshipmen, hippies from St. John's, and the best crab cakes you'll find in this world. Our tour guide, Squire Richard Hillman, dressed in authentic colonial garb (with the exceptions, he confessed, of modern shoes and undergarments to the delight of the 10 year olds) was a former mayor of Annapolis. No wonder he knew so much. I'm planning to go back on a weekend evening and hear his ghost tour.
One thing I learned today was about the history of the Maryland state flag. I had always heard that Maryland was a "neutral" state in the Civil War. The truth is that it was divided. Marylanders were killing each other in battles. About 50 years after the War's end, the different military regiments wanted to march separately in a parade under their different banners. Their wives wouldn't let them. They sewed the two flags together into what was later adopted as our state flag. It's a bury-the-hatchet flag.
I did slip away from my well-chaperoned charges long enough to purchase two crab cakes to smuggle onto the Harbor Queen for my lunch. Mmmmmmm.
If you have never been to Annapolis, put it on your bucket list. I'd be happy to offer my home as a hub of your tour plans, but my basement had a cataclysmic flood last week and I'm afraid my guest quarters are inaccessible for months to come. But I will meet you there for crab cakes and a ghost tour!
Big Changes
8 years ago
Maybe you can introduce me to a crab cake that I like. I've always loved crab but never could enjoy an actual crab cake. Not sure why. Maybe it's cause there's no candles.
I miss Annapolis so much. I have wanted to go everytime that I come back but that never works out. When we lived there it was my getaway place.
I think you had the same tour guide we had. So fun. Some of the other guides were kind of stuffy and the kids were complaining about them. We loved ours.
Maryland has so many great stories. I love their tea party story more than the Boston tea party. Read about it. I love Maryland.
Our family has been wanting a Maryland flag for a long time. I will look it up today and see where we can order one.
John, you have to like crabcakes! They are the best!
John, maybe the frosting was the wrong flavor?
It sounds like a great time.
Guess I'll take you off the list of visits this summer unless we can pitch a tent on the lawn?
I forgot...Mmmmmmmmmm, crab cakes...slobbbberrrr
John, you do have to like crad cake in order to love Maryland. I think crab tastes funny.
I love the state flag story.
Hey Aunt Ann!! Here's my blog account so that you can keep up with me while I'm in Disney World. I love you!
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