I took my daughter to her school's Skate Night tonight. Normally, I would have put on the skates and joined them, happy to join my children in play. But I'm still too nervous about my ankle to take the chance, especially given my skill level at the roller rink. (John, do you remember the those Franconia skate nights?)
I hate being the spectator. Well, that's not totally true. I like watching people who excel at a sport or art perform. I love to watch my children play and perform. I was impressed with my friends' performances in the Nutcracker Sunday afternoon. I like riding shotgun so I can gawk at the scenery.
I hate feeling afraid of getting hurt. It makes me feel old. That pain is still too vivid in my memory. I still feel twinges of pain in sudden movements, or after a long day.
I think, soon, I will be ready to take a chance again. Healing takes longer than I realized, longer than I hoped. I'm tired of limping.
Big Changes
8 years ago
I remember those Franconia roller nights.
I have been limping lately and thinking about you and how my issue is not nearly as painful as yours. That helped me get through it. Tonight is my first night back at boot camp in a week and a half. I am nervous because I am not really sure that my foot is ready but I am missing it so much...so, I am going for it.
I understand your feelings - the feeling old because you're afraid of getting hurt part.
You still sound brave.
You are doing great! I never broke my ankle and I am afraid to roller skate (both for my sake, and for the sake of the other skaters) ;-)
My mom went roller skating with church when we were in MD and fell and broke her arm!
I know it's not fun to watch all the time but I can't blame you.
Here's hoping you are not limping anymore very soon.
I remember those Franconia nights so well. Some of my fondest memories of girl chasing were at those skating parties.
I was always a good spectator. Especially when it came to watching the girls skating.
And just remember, whenever you get hurt, they give you drugs. Dilauded is fun. Seriously, you'll do fine. Just give yourself time.
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