How can I have two teenagers?
What do you remember about being 14?

What does CG stand for? Originally it was Construction Girl based on my fun job experience as a technical writer for a general contractor and the work I was able to do on the job sites. But now it could be a host of other things: for my new career as a yoga teacher it could be Chataranga Goals, or maybe Cosmic Gypsy, or Curious Girl, Candid Gossip, Creative Guide, Comical Goober, Cheshire Goddess, Corona Guzzler, Certain Grabber...
That sounds so great. It's nice to know that having a teenage boy doesn't have to be as scary as I had feared.
E is also playing lacrosse this spring... and is proud of her bruises (and additional muscle). Too bad lax isn't a recognized varsity sport in our county. (btw, there's no boys lax at BHS)
He is adorable- just mowing without being nagged makes me love him!
Ah, 14 again...I remember being boy crazy, drinking Tickled Pink (erp) that summer before 9th grade and being an expert at round-offs and cartwheels.
wait a minute - japanese? is he going to ERHS?
Please tell him Happy Birthday from us!!
The teens just sort of sneak in when you aren't looking....
Being scared to death of girls and yet being so interested in them, even though I had no clue as to how to proceed in the girl wooing department. That and learning how important deodorant was.
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